Announcing an investment opportunity in the industrial sector

Opportunity Number (7/IRT / 2023)


The state Company for Rubber Industries and Tires in Najaf Governorate / Al-Haidarya district / Karbala-Najaf Road, one of Ministry of Industry and Minerals formations in Republic of Iraq, is pleased to invite investors, specialized companies and financiers (from sober manufacturing companies or their approved agents), to participate in the investment opportunity (7 / IRT / 2023) for (building a new factory to recycle scrub tires by thermal decomposition).

Those who wish to participate have to apply for investment file in the company site by a non-refundable (200,000) two hindered thousand Iraqi dinars, and whoever is awarded the investment opportunity bears the fees for publishing the advertisement and legal fees.

Offers have to be submitted in a sealed envelope to our company, name, number of  investment opportunity, name and address of the participating entity should be written on the envelope, the receipt of purchase of  the investment file issued by our company have to be attached with the offers.

The file can be obtained on the date of advertisement publishing in local newspapers. Who wish to participate can visit  Ministry of  Industry and Minerals site / department of  Investments, as well as, the company site in Najaf.

Offers will be opened within thirty working days from the date of the last publication in local newspapers, and the extension will be made for another thirty days when no offers has been received. This mechanism will continue until a calendar year from the date of the last publication in local newspapers.

The bids are received at the company site, for more information visit Industry and Minerals ministry website, or contact the Investments Department at the following address: –

Iraq – Baghdad – Bab Al Sharqi – Al Nidhal Street     P.O. Box (5815)

Phone  (009648162006)                                        Fax (009648166040)

E.mail (invest @ industry                       website (

Company address: (Republic of  Iraq – Najaf  Governorate – P.O. Box 240)

Phone: – (07827333239) and (07727333239)

Email: ( and (info @ scrit.

Website: (